Monday, March 29, 2010


Well, hello...this week I've completed two milestones in my life. First, I FINALLY reached my pre-pregnancy weight. It only took almost 10 months. Geez. I suppose that is normal. It took a lot of hard work, mostly watching what I ate, but it finally happened. Yay. Although, it's weird because your body isn't the same even if it weighs the same. All you moms out there will know what I'm talking about.

My second milestone was that I performed my first pelvic exam, testiculor (spelling?), and digital rectal exam this week. Fun eh? Yeah, I'm learning OB/GYN right now. And I suppose that meant learning how to do a male hernia and prostate exam as well. Everyone's first reaction is "you did what?", but really, it wasn't that bad. You get over the awkwardness fast. It actually was interesting. I swear. Perhaps not all of you will agree with me. =) But still, thinking back, it was kind of cool.

So two completely different milestones, but still milestones nonetheless. This week's milestone will be getting access to our new place! We start painting this weekend and hope to get a big portion of the move done on Monday.

So this week will be insane. Studying like crazy til Thursday (OB/GYN test)...then packing like crazy, painting, and what not Thurs-Monday-ish. I'm sure we won't completely be out by monday. Plus, we'll have to paint our apartment back to white once we're out. Ohhh, the hassels of moving. But we're very excited. I'll post pics eventually, but to be honest, it might be awhile. Unpacking, while still in school, will be a SLOW process.

Ok, goodnight folks. Til next time!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Strange feeling

So I suppose many mothers feel like this...

So two people that I know have just recently given birth to beautiful little babies (and my sister-in-law is soon!). Now, I know that I do not want to get pregnant right now because 1) I'd like to get my body back to normal for a little bit and feel healthy and skinny again for a little while. But....seeing all of these babies makes me want to have a baby again, to experience a newborn again, to snuggle a tiny one again. Now, Sky may only be 9 mo, but he is such a big boy! I can't believe it. I just know he is going to be walking before I know it.

It's just weird to be pulled two in directions. I know my head will win out in the end because I don't want to complicate school more than it already is...but still. =) So, I will still say no to the small desire begining in my heart....but eventually, Sky will have a lil bro or sis. I promise.

Ok...just wanted to share that thought. I have to go work on a assignment for school now. See ya!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


This weekend we had a quick trip to Indiana to visit old college friends and then to Chicago to visit old INTRSCT friends. It was so fun and nice to get away, even if for a little bit. Granted, it was very tiring, especially with a 9 month old, but SO much fun. Plus, Skyler did excellent and was very happy most of the time!

With the Christensons, we got to teach them Killer bunnies and Bonanaza and remember old funny stories (more so about Allen..haha!). Plus, we got to introduce Sky to a big ole black lab. They had fun together and Skyler got drenched in kisses. Then in Chicago, we got to visit our old home, eat at a sentimental restaurant, play apples-to-apples (with the BEST people to play it with), hear Trent's stuck poop story, and eat Nancy's pizza. All in all, it was a great weekend. So fun....

Now, I have to go back to reality. Back to studying all the time. But, good news, we just found out that we will be moving soon to a house! yay! (So,Kristen, you can visit Michigan and we'll have a room for you!) The driving force to giving me hope (in regards to school) is remembering that I only have 6 clin med tests left. That's 5 months left of studying. Then on to rotations I go. On to practicing medicine on actual people--whoah--kind of scary, but also exciting. So here we go people...5 months and counting.

Til next time,

Monday, March 8, 2010

Long see

So, apparently, I'm awful at blogging. Partly because I barely have time to do my regular duties of being a mom, wife, and grad student....and partly because I think Kristen (smile!) is the only one who reads this. oh well. So sorry for my lack of ambition when it comes to blogging.

Well, not much is new. I still am in school, which causes me many days of stress and anxiety, but I still love what I'm learning and excited to be a PA in 18 months! Allen still is teaching and molding young minds. Skyler is a very active 9 month old. Once he figured out how to crawl, he is in everything he shouldn't be. =) But he's so fun and a very good baby. We're very blessed to have such an amazing son!

So we hope that everyone is having a great day! Til next time....whenever that may be...


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


My vacation is nearing its end. It is quite sad. Although, I do enjoy learning medicine, I have definately been enjoying my family and social time. I didn't have to say no to invitations because I have to study. I didn't have to look at Sky's sweet face and not be able to spend as much as time as I want with him because I have to study. I didn't have to spend less time with Allen because I have to study. It has truly been nice. Not relaxing though. I've still been busy. I swear I either had a family party, some social event, shopping, or something everyday of my vacation. Perhaps I loaded my days with these activities because these are things I don't get to do often when I'm in school. So, therefore, I pack my days full. I do get some downtime, don't worry, but not much. C'est la vie I suppose.

August will come eventually. That is what I keep telling myself!

Til next time...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I made it!

Wow! I passed clinical medicine I. I actually did it! I know I definately would not have made it without the help of Jesus (first and foremost), my wonderful husband, my family, and my friends. Thank you to all who helped me out with watching Skyler so I could study--most props go to Allen! Thank you for all the prayer and encouragement!

PA is definately hard and full of pressure, but with Jesus and lots of support of friends and family, you can do it! So thank you one and all! Thank you Jesus!

Now I get to relax and have a VERY Merry Christmas!

Fully relaxed, Erin

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Busy busy busy!

So, I'm not sure if I'm going to keep this blog for two reasons...

1. I'm way too busy to remember to blog. I just don't have time for it.

2. I don't think anyone really reads it anyways. It's like I'm talking to myself!

If I'm wrong, please let me know!

But...if there are any visitors out there, here a few update pics...

Merry Christmas everyone!